Monday, April 25, 2011

A Reliable Wife

A Reliable Wife by: Robert Goolrick

Category: Must Read, History

Book Summary: Rural Wisconsin, 1909. In the bitter cold, Ralph Truitt stands alone on a train platform waiting for the woman who answered his newspaper advertisement for “a reliable wife.” But what he gets is Catherine Land, a would-be black widow who plans to win the wealthy man’s devotion…and then slowly poison him to death. What she has not counted on, however, is the passion she finds in the seemingly solid, forthright Truitt—a man whose own past is far from pure, and who harbors secret plans of his very own.

MY Thoughts? Well...let me just start by saying this is NOT what one would consider a romantic story. However, the word CREATIVE is the first word I think of to describe this book. Upon a visit to Borders (to purchase my second installment of the Outlander), I had not only ONE person suggest this book, but two absolute strangers tell me to read A Reliable Wife. I figured I really couldn't pass up that sort of recommendation.

This is certainly not my typical novel; however, I was pleasantly surprised - just in a different way. I wasn't sure what to expect, so when I began to read I was truly blown away as to the unusual nature in which this book is written. There are more twist and turns that I could even imagine. JUST when you think you've discovered a character's 'true self', the rug is pulled right out from under you and you are left with your mouth gaping wide thinking "what the hell?". I will say that unlike many of today's contemporary novels, this story has many underlying layers which contribute to the overall feel and relationship climate throughout. This story is without a doubt one which is extremely thought provoking and pretty provocative. To be quite honest, the characters are not even very likable, but somehow in the mist of their 'madness', you find yourself rooting for them. There's an uncertain feel that leaves you guessing and questioning every one's morals, and THIS is one of the many reasons that it became a "can't-put-it-down" book. Additionally, many occasions I found myself, not only surprised at the turns the story took, but down-right SHOCKED at the visualizations of such extreme circumstances.

To sum things up. Even if you are a typical romance novel frequenter (like myself), this story holds something very different, but intriguing. The relationships, though they are not your typical "can't live without you", are so creative you become immersed in the love that does exist as well as the characters that although you feel like you know so well, you are never quite sure what their decisions may be.

I really hope anyone who hasn't read this one, gives it a shot. BE OPEN MINDED! (However, I forget that not everyone is the sucker I am for a love story, so I guess some may be typically drawn to this type of unique writing style.) Good luck and let me know what you think!

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