Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Good Reads Description:
Calla Tor has always known her destiny: After graduating from the Mountain School, she'll be the mate of alpha wolf Ren Laroche and fight with him, side by side, ruling their pack and guarding sacred sites for the Keepers.

But when she violates her masters' laws by saving a beautiful human boy out for a hike, Calla begins to question her fate, her existence, and the very essence of the world she has known. By following her heart, she might lose everything— including her own life. Is forbidden love worth the ultimate sacrifice?

A Few Memorable Quotes:

"Calla", Shay called from the hall. "Without your nakedness to distract me, I'm rembering we're in serious trouble."

"This is where you belong, Calla.” He pulled me closer, tilting my chin up. “Be with me. Tell me it’s what you want.”
I couldn’t tear my eyes from his. “What I want?”
“Yes. Anything, everything you need, I’ll give you. Always. I promise. Just tell me one thing.”
“That you want this, us.” His voice dropped so low I could barely hear him. “That someday you’ll love me.”
My hands began to tremble where they rested around his neck. “Ren, you know we’re going to be together. We’ve both known that for a long time.”
He gave me a hard look. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”
“Why are you asking me this?” I tried to pull back, but he held me against him.
The glimmer of a smile appeared on his lips. “Why not?”
My temper flared. “Are you trying to say that you love me?”
I meant it as a challenge rather than a serious question, but his eyes seemed to catch fire.
“What do you think?” He touched his lips to mine, softly at first, gradually building pressure, parting them."

My Thoughts…
Well, you might be able to tell from my previous book review, but I am more of a fan of vampires (TEAM EDWARD!). So, I had my reservations about reading my first werewolf book.  How can running around as a dog, eating animals, and scratching be perceived as alluring and sexy the way vampires are?  Well, this changed my mind completely.  I have actually read another book about werewolves since this book (review on that one later). I still haven’t changed my mind that being an actual wolf would suck (like big time), but I was captivated by the life they lead while they are human.
Nightshade was set at a consistent pace for me.  I wasn’t overly “in love” with this book, but it kept my attention while sitting down to read. I never felt like “OMG, I can’t put this book down!”, but it was interesting enough to make we want to pick the book back up each night.
Calla is a werewolf often referred to as a guardian. She is the female “alpha-to-be” from her pack, the Nightshades, and will soon marry Ren (also alpha-to-be) from the Bane pack.  This isn’t the typical marriage one would imagine either.  The Keeper’s arranged this marriage since they both were born. They both look at it as an agreement that they must get along and run the pack together after the marriage is official. But as we know, things never run as smoothly as planned. Calla meets a human boy, Shay, and everything spirals out of Calla’s control from their…
I don’t want to give too much away in this review, but I do want to discuss the love triangle presented in Nightshade. I am not normally swayed. Once I pick a “side”, I don’t waver. More times than not, I choose the “good guy”. That’s just me and my wholesome personality (lol). However, I am torn with this book. Calla has great chemistry with both of the characters, Shay and Ren.   Calla and Shay’s relationship is a little sweeter, and the bond between them is undeniable as neither can stay away from the other. Calla and Ren’s relationship is nothing but INTENSE. Whoa! Calla and Ren are both strong-willed and often they butt heads.  There is no trust between the two, but the physical attraction between the two is hard to ignore. Here in lies my problem: Shay is the good guy and Ren is the bad boy.  I want to want her to be with Shay, but who do you think I am rooting for? REN!! This is all I will say on this. I don’t want to spoil the love story for you.
Overall, I was not blown away by this book, but it was a good read. Even though I said that the book had consistent pacing, the very end of the book did pick up speed and then does leave you hanging just a bit.  The next book in the series, Wolfsbane, comes out this summer. It is definitely on my to-be-read bookshelf over at Goodreads. I need to figure out what happens with my boys, Shay and Ren!
If you are into reading supernatural romance (this is YA so don’t expect too much ROMANCE, if you know what I mean), I think it would be worth your time.


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